
We see benefits differently than the rest. Attorneys often will use life insurance to protect your estate from unnecessary tax burdens. We want employee benefits to do that for your business. It’s never too early to improve your profits so, contact us today and let us show you what we see.

Our Mission

For the majority of businesses, staying competitive in today’s marketplace is an important objective. Our mission is to provide you with a new perspective. A perspective that gets employee benefits working in your company as a profitability tool. Different types of insurance can be engaged to balance risk in many areas and our goal is to improve your bottom line.

Well designed benefit strategies can:

  • improve the retention of quality employees. (39% of employees say they’re likely to look for another job in the next 12 months*)
  • mitigate risk associated with worker’s compensation claims. (42% of all companies that made specific voluntary insurance products available to their employees, saw a decline in the number of worker’s compensation claims**)
  • attract the type of talent you want working in your business. (56% of people rank benefits as one of the three most important factors in looking for a new job*)
  • increase morale and in turn, productivity. (65% of employees say benefits are very important to their job satisfaction*)

In addition, 90% of business leaders are interested in at least one alternative enrollment or educational tool for their employees. We use a combination of electronic enrollment systems, educational videos, benefit booklets and in-person support that is custom designed to meet the needs of your business.

However, 6 out of 10 employees say that it is stressful to understand which health insurance they need. Therefore, enrollment strategies are tailored to ensure the least administrative burden for the employer while simultaneously providing each employee with the education and support they need to make an informed decision.

**Leavitt Group, Dec 5, 2019 https://news.leavitt.com/human-resources-benefits/accident-disability-benefits/

*Kantar/Aflac Workforces Report https://www.aflac.com/business/resources/aflac-workforces-report/default.aspx

About the Broker

Jared Erdmann is the founder and proprietor of Employer First Benefits Solutions. Before getting into the insurance industry in 2014, Jared spent 15 years managing for a large retail operation.

Experience on the employer side of the industry gives Jared unique insight into some of the challenges employers face. Whether it’s the difficulties of recruiting and hiring the right talent, managing budgets and personnel to turn a profit or, investigating on the job injuries, he has seen the “dark side” of business.

Over the past 6 years in the benefits industry, Jared has put his real world experience to work for his clients, finding benefit solutions that combat the everyday rigors of running a business. His favorite part of being a broker is having a front row seat to watch his clients flourish and grow.

Contact Us

For urgent inquiries, please contact via telephone: 385-7HEALTH(743-2584)

We will respond to all emails within 24-48 hours.